Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Church Fall Team

My Church's Fall Adult Team flew in after over 24 hours of travel on Thursday last week.  I was SO excited to see them, especially with my brother Ryan coming as part of the team!  It's so cool to be able to share my experiences here in Peru with one of my family members, and to be able to connect with my church here in Peru.

At the arrivals area in the Cusco airport, you cannot go inside the terminal, but have to wait outside the building.  I was waiting anxiously, with butterflies (how nerdy, I know) at the airport early that Thursday morning, looking through the glass for the team.  But, after the 8:10 arrival, I couldn' t see any of them.  A couple of more flights arrived, and again, no recognizable, tall gringos.  Mila, the coordinator from the organization our church works with, was there waiting with me and commented that she imagined that God must be waiting, looking down from heaven, for his lost children with a similar anticipation and excitement, just waiting for those to find Him and acknowledge their need for the God who created them.
"Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives, he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."  Matthew 7:7  God is always waiting with open hands.

"In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."  Luke 15:10  There is a party in heaven every time a person turns their life to follow God's way.

"The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save.  He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."  Zephaniah 3:20  What an amazing verse... He rejoices over his saved followers!

When the team finally arrived, late due to overbooked, backed-up flights, it was really great to see them, and to see them get settled into the compound. 
It was a blessing to be able to join the group on the weekend to go to the Huanca Huanca village.  Almost a year ago, I visited this village for the first time.  I recognized alot of the children from last year, and was amazed at how much they've grown!  Before I'd left, a friend had sent an encouraging note, reminding me that the Andes mountains are pretty much the "ends of the earth".  What a great privilege to be able to share God's love, and to be an encouragement to our brothers and sisters in this remote area of the world! 
The area of Huanca Huanca

"Then Jesus said to them- "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you..."  Matthew 28:19 & 20a

"Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world." Ps.19.4.

"...that you may bring my Salvation to the ends of the earth."  Isaiah49:6

Sunday School with the kids
The team encouraged the Huanca Huanca Church by: Dana putting on the Sunday school program for the kids, Pastor Bill teaching in a couple of services, and our group praying for their church and members.  We also helped collect rocks for the foundation of a replacement church that is to be built in the coming months.  We were able to connect with the children, playing lots of games, and our guys attempted to play soccar against the Huanca Huanca men (it was pretty funny, the Peruvians far outshone the Canadians in this area- sorry no photos!).

A handful of hail

 Our team was encouraged by the people there as well.  They told us how thankful they are for our support in different ways, and showed us some test plots that the agriculturalist our church sponsors has been working on, as well as a demonstration of how they work the land in preparation for planting.  A couple of guys from our team tried their hand at it, and soon realized that it's harder work than it looks!  The work the agriculturist has done with their community, such as planting new crops, benefits the village with nutrition and income.  Last year the onion crop was quite successful, although they do need help in learning when and how to market it in order to gain the best exchange.  This year they were trying various other vegetables including beets and cabbage, to see how they do in the high altitude.

As with the first trip, I am reminded that though they have little, they are content and happy people.  It continues to guide me in being content with what I have, and learning to live with less stuff and rather focusing my time on the connections I make with people, and showing the love that Jesus has shown me.

1 comment:

  1. Nice pic of you and Ryan! The picture of the people and the cattle on the mountainside is also a really awesome shot! Such a picturesque landscape. ~ Amber
