The race against time to get home: a "race" that meant waiting 24 hours to get on the first plane out of the country, three connecting flights and over 12 hours of flying time.
Times like these you realize just how very far apart these two homes are.
All I can say, is that Mom's been upheld by a whole multitude of prayer warriors, and her still being with us after that very scary near-death place is a God given miracle that we are so very thankful for. She's continued to beat the odds getting stronger each day, being discharged to go home before any of us thought she would and able to stop almost all of the handful of medications she was discharged with only a month later. The CT scan after the first chemo treatment showed no more cancer in the lungs, the lesions healing over, and all of the lymph nodes having shrunk considerably. There's still a road ahead, with three more chemo treatments that will lead up to June, but All Praise to God as Mom continues to improve and be healed!
So i am back in Cusco, with obvious mixed feelings, and how does one pick up after all of that?
Last Sunday at Beach Corner Church, I gave my Peru update at the end of the service. Pastor Bill also asked me to tie in my testimony with his theme of that Sunday.
Here is my presentation in text format for those who missed it, divided in two parts- with my testimony in Part 1 and Peru Update in Part 2.
My life before becoming a Christian involved a loving and
stable childhood, going to church every Sabbath and believing in God, but with
an emphasis on the laws of the Old Testament and thou shalt’s and thou shalt
not’s. This morning I will not fully
describe my conversion experience. But
to cover it briefly, I can say that my own quiet rebellious streak and
curiosity for the world’s ways and my clash with the hypocrisy I saw in the
church and church people I grew up around led me to a series of bad choices
starting in highschool and that continued into my early 20’s, mostly involving
friends and boyfriends that were not Christians, parties and all the things
that come with that. In all of that time
I had a constant yearning for inner peace.
I have always believed in God and a better way, but I got caught up in
the world’s ways, wanting to fit in and be “cool”, and would end up in a cycle
of wanting to get out of that unhealthy lifestyle but ending up right back in
it. The Enemy is like a prowling lion,
and one of his first goals is to steal our peace. Unfortunately, he uses interesting means to
mask peace that may be different for everyone, but can include alcohol or
drugs, a boyfriend who says he loves you, sex, being part of an in-crowd, or
maybe self-help rituals like yoga.
Whatever it is that the enemy uses, those things ultimately draw us away
from God putting the focus on self. But,
without that soul-nourishing relationship with our one and only Creator, we are
left with a lack of peace deep inside.
I am so thankful to my parents and others who continually
prayed for me over the years, encouraging me to go to church and to read my
bible. It is really neat how God worked
in my parents’ lives and grew their understanding of the scriptures and
relationship with Him over those years as well.
It’s so awesome to know now, how God has always had His hand on my life even
before I accepted His redeeming Son to be Lord of my life.
This May will mark 9 years of my life as a follower of
Jesus! Just like when the enemy does
what he can to detour our lives from Jesus, he also attempts to stifle the work
of Christ in a new believer’s life. For
the first couple of years after accepting Jesus into my heart, my life changed
considerably. I was overcome immediately with that sense of inner peace I had
always longed for, I felt true joy maybe for the first time. Others have since told me that everything about
my countenance changed. But, I did slowly
start to lapse into making a few poor choices of old habits and lifestyle that left
me feeling guilty and condemned. I
eventually realized that I had to cut off certain friends and start investing my
time to friendships in Christ, and those friendships that have blossomed over
the years have become such a joy and blessing and made such a difference in my
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27
Part 2 - PERU UPDATE, MARCH 2014
Now that I have shared a bit of my background with you, I
would love to update you on what life in Peru has been like!
Following Jesus to Peru
The other day I was trying to figure out when my desire to
work in an orphanage had started, was it before I accepted Christ, was it
after? My mom says it was definitely
before. All I know, is that for many
years I had dreamt of having the opportunity to love on orphans. After becoming a follower of Jesus, I really
wanted to go on a mission trip, really any kind of mission trip that I thought
I could contribute to would be awesome.
I met Pastor Bill at Trevor and Lauren’s wedding and he brought up the
church Peru trip that was set for that fall.
Immediately I thought, hey maybe this could be my opportunity! But, on the other hand there seemed to be so
many hurdles. What would I have to
offer? Could I get two weeks off? How would I get the money for this trip? But, it was evident very shortly, that this
was going to work out. Everything fell
into place and the financial need especially was filled in so smoothly, that it
was obviously God’s hand in leading me there. He also very smoothly filled in
all of the details for my return trip to Peru, 8 months later, to work in an
orphanage and to stay with a longer-term commitment.
I have struggled with thoughts like: I am not good enough, I
have nothing to offer, I am not worthy to be a missionary, my past sins are too
big, and worries about finances. But, I
have come to recognize those to be of the enemy. The enemy is not only a peace-stealer; he is
a deceiver and an accuser. How wonderful
to be in the hands of The One, The Great I AM, the Sovereign and All powerful
God who says I can do anything with Christ in me, I am valued (much more than
the sparrow), ALL of my sins are forgiven, I am redeemed and He goes before me,
filling the need and with plans of Good and not of evil. I have also come to realize what an amazing
blessing it is that God matched me with Beach Corner Church. This church has truly become the home-church,
the place of unity and fellowship that I had sought for many years before. Where others may see lack, Pastor Bill has
always seen the potential, and I am beyond thankful for the backing of Beach
Corner church and Pastor Bill in giving me the opportunity to see my dreams
become reality.
Many months before I moved to Cuzco Peru in August 2011, I
was struck by a few verses that continually turned around in my mind, that were
an encouragement to me, and that made the move from my life of family and
friends, the land of comfort and stability to a life unknown and different,
easy and exciting.
not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and
where thieves break in and steal; 20 but
lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys
and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For
where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-21
So when Jesus heard these things, He said to him, “You
still lack one thing. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and
you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” Luke 18:22
Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is
this: to visit orphans and
widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the
world. James 1:27
Pastor Bill has said before, that this kind of work is not
measure-able. And, that’s true, I don’t have numbers and statistics. But, today I would like to attempt to show
you just a little of the joys of the Jesus-changes I have seen and been a part
of in the past 2 ½ years.
When I was first investigating and deciding between the
serving opportunities available, and after the
correspondence to the directors, I started checking out the websites, and
it was baby Zoe’s photo on the Josephine House website that spoke to my heart,
bringing tears to my eyes.
![]() |
Zoe days old |
Zoe was born
pre-mature and abandoned in a hospital before ending up in the Josephine
House. It took months to nurse her back
to a healthy weight. This is all before
I got there, but It seemed ironic that although it was her bedraggled photo
that led me to choose to work in the Josephine House, when I finally met little
Zoe in person, she was the child with
the least interest in my attention.
However, over the past year or more, I have worked with Zoe more and
more, helping her with physiotherapy exercises and individual attention and constructive
time. She now comes walking to me every
day I walk through the door. She was born with a cleft palate lip, and has
received two constructive surgeries, one of which had complications and she
nearly lost her life to. We still don’t
know the full extent of her special needs, but seeing how far she’s come in the
past couple of years: that she can even walk, is nothing short of amazing.
One of the hardest stories of two of the JH children
involves a young prostitute mother who abandoned her two children in her
one-room dirt-floor home for hours on end, sometimes days. Left to fend for themselves, these siblings
survived in dark, cold and unsanitary conditions while the neighbours would
slide food under the door to keep them alive. Finally the authorities stepped
in and Fabricio, 2 and Angelina, 4 arrived to stay at the Josephine House. Despite the inhumane conditions in which they
had started life, they soon adjusted to their new healthy surroundings, and
have always been quick to make friends with new volunteers and visitors,
soaking up the love and attention as much as they can.
Angela & Fabricio |
A few short weeks ago, we celebrated a new family for these
siblings. When Angela, now 8, found out
about their adoptive parents a couple of weeks before, she was so excited. She started packing her bags and would greet each
of us each day at the door telling us that she now has a Mama and a Papa!
Despite having a good solid home and loving caregivers, I have come to see how
every child yearns for their own mom and dad. On more than a few levels, it was
a bittersweet moment when I signed the kids over to their new parents. But, oh what a blessing and answer to prayer!
Meanwhile, Guadalupe watched all of this unfolding. The adoptive parents came to visit for three
days in a row, before taking the kids home with them. She would watch longingly from the window as
they played outside together. I took her
by the hand and we went to the table to do some crafts together. I assured her that she would one day also
have a mom and a dad. (I kicked myself
for saying that, because I have talked to the staff before about not making
promises that are out of our control to keep.)
But, we prayed together in that moment, entrusting God with the task of
bringing parents to Guadalupe and to the other kids.
Guadalupe arrived a bit before Christmas in 2011. She was
covered from head to toe in bruises.
Doctors guessed her to be around 4 or 5 years old, but there were no
official identification documents for her.
Her government file told us that she was originally from the jungle
region, that her parents had sold her to another family that abused her, using
her like a servant.
We had to shave her head after she arrived because of
lice. She was quiet and sad at the
beginning, but at times her beautiful smile would shine through and she would
throw back her head and laugh. Over the
past couple of years, Lupe has proved to be happy, loving, obedient and
smart. She loves doing crafts and loves
going to Sunday School. She prays to God better than any child her age I
know. She has shown me how despite
mistreatment and a difficult start to life, children are so resilient and full
of life.
In the time I have been gone, two files arrived to the
Josephine House, detailing information of the adoptive parents for Guadalupe
and for Marleni. Marleni has since gone to live in her new home in
Spain. I am sad that I won’t see her
again, but so happy for her. While Guadalupe was being prepped on the new
family for her, the couple for some reason pulled out, and decided not to go
through with the adoption. Please pray
for Guadalupe, for a good Christian family for her, and ultimately that she
will come to know God as the Father of her life more and more.
Marleni went to her new home in Spain |
From bedraggled and dirty, bruised and unkempt to fresh and
clean and cared for, cuddled, valued and loved.
Being involved in the lives of the fatherless and the abandoned is as
much a blessing for me as it is for these kids.
Baby Brighit |
In the past year, especially the last 6 months, my focus has
been more on the staff, as I took over managing the home for a few months while
the directors were in the U.S. There are
about 6 full-time local caregivers, and a handful of other part-time staff
involved in cooking, cleaning, laundry and part-time care. My biggest focus has been to foster greater
consistency in child-care, along with introducing some early childhood
teaching. I would like to see the
Peruvian staff grow in their understanding of grace and how that can flow into child-care, discipline and their
everyday interaction with each child. It has also become a goal of mine to
foster a better relationship between the Josephine House and El Arca staff.
Working with the staff is not my passion, but I’m glad that
I was able to help fill a need for that time, and God continues to teach me to
rely on Him.
Azul Wasi boys home |
Walter and I took Everett and Christina to Azul Wasi while
they were visiting with us in January (We love seeing friends and familiar
faces from home, by the way!). Azul Wasi is the boys’ home run by a Peruvian
ex-police officer, named Alcides. We brought food on behalf of the church. We were able to see the construction projects
that have come along (they have nearly finished the building that was only just
started back in the summer), and to hear more of their plans (to construct a
new kitchen and dining hall). All of the
boys were outside with us, and we prayed together in a circle with them, hands
joined. We tried not to laugh out loud
as a couple of the boys intermittently squeezed our hands during the prayer
time. Alcides read the letter Pastor
Bill had written on behalf of Beach Corner, which encouraged them all a lot. Their
greatest need is usually for food. Right
now there are also extra costs for school.
The new school year just started at the beginning of March.
I have learned a lot living in another culture, and the learning continues.
It’s all about LOVE, wherever we are, wherever we live,
whatever we do.
Jesus’ Love.
One of the first things they teach each team before going on
a mission trip is to be flexible. Plans
and expectations can change all of the time.
And that doesn't seem to change living permanently in Peru.
When I first arrived in 2011, within a month the Josephine
House was running at full capacity with three new babies a toddler and
preschooler that arrived all within weeks of each other. Right now there have
been big changes with the Josephine House and a lot of things up in the
air. A missionary from Ecuador arrived
at the end of February to live in the Josephine House as a house parent, which
will be a much needed positive change. When
I get back there will be 9 children in the house. The Josephine House is not fully funded right
now, but there is also talk of expanding because of a donor willing to
contribute to the building. It’s hard to predict what the future will bring.
Cecelia, the new houseparent for JH |
El Arca is now comprised of two homes- one in Cusco and one
in Puerto Maldonado (the jungle region).
They have over 50 children in their care, and mostly all older
Doing crafts at El Arca, January 2014 |
I’m not exactly sure how my schedule will change when I get
back to Cusco, but I plan to fill in where the greatest needs are presented, as
Right now Walter and I are discussing and thinking about changes
for our future. We have a lot of things
to think about. Our plans were
originally to move to Canada early next year. Please pray for us for direction
and the orchestration of changes to come.
...and that we would continue to grow in and the sharing of Jesus’
great, unstoppable, all-encompassing love.
LOVE that changes lives.
Don’t let the devil keep you from knowing Jesus. Don’t let him steal your peace, or question
your worth. Don’t let him tell you you’re not good enough. Do you have a dream?
Pursue it! Are there hurdles? Jump them
with Jesus! Use your talents to bring
glory to God.
"...whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God!" 1 Corinthians 10:31b
Steph! You kicked me in the pants today. I needed to re-align why I am here and to whose purpose I serve, NOT MY OWN! Thank you sweet lady.
ReplyDeleteHi Kelsie! We all go through different seasons from time to time. I'm glad that I could encourage you this time. Thanks for reading, and thanks again for being so accessible and helpful when I really needed your help with those flights!
DeleteThanks for sharing your thoughts Steph. Writing is a talent you have. God has used your words to inspire and challenge me once again :-) I'm glad you are safely back in Peru xx
ReplyDeleteThank you, Katy, and thanks for reading. You likewise inspire me! Will be in touch soon :)
DeleteWow gave me a lot to think about.....thanks so much for sharing.....i also now have a lot more questions i need to ask so proud to say i know you!
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading and for your comment, Angie! I would love to hear more of your last few years; email me any time. Be encouraged today :)
Deletealways perfectly written, with love and with the grace off God's guidance!! thank you my friend, you are wonderfully made!!!
ReplyDeleteJust His words through me! Thanks for your encouragement, Noreen. Love you, friend!