Thursday 27 December 2012

December Activities... and Peace All Through the Year

Clowning around:

I wasn't able to attend the larger Christmas party for all the kids in the general Cusco Hospital, but I did get to go to the mini-party we put on for the children on the surgical unit.  We made animal balloons, read the story of Jesus' birth, and brought gift bags for each one with a simple toy, coloring sheets, crayons, stickers, card-making supplies, and other things to keep them busy while staying on the ward. 

Our wrap-up end-of-year-party for our Sunday School class in Wimpillay:

Walter and I showed an animated movie of Jesus' birth, complete with popcorn, hot chocolate and Christmas buns.  We also made up goody bags with stickers, Nativity coloring pages, candies, cookies, and these cool bouncy balls that light up when you bounce them.  The class has 23 children listed, but attendance varies greatly from week to week.  On this Sunday, we had 14.

Staff Christmas Party:

This year I had fun helping get ready for our staff Christmas party: decorating, a little baking and putting together their baskets (this year we used large reusable bags).   There are 10 full-time staff, many of whom have been working there since the beginning- four years ago.  There are 5 part-time staff, whom range from childcare staff to laundry and cleaning staff.  They all seemed to really enjoy the baked turkey, mashed potatoes and salad dinner.

It is tradition here to give your staff a Christmas basket which usually contains staples such as sugar, oil and noodles, and other goodies like Paneton, yogurt, chocolate and cookies.  Every year, Ruth adds something special- this year it was a framed photo of all of the children, which the staff loved!

Some of the wonderful staff that contribute to the home environment of the Casa J.

The staff with their Christmas baskets.
The Casa J's sweet children this December 2012

A typical Christmas basket would not be complete without Paneton (Christmas bread in a box).

The true gift of PEACE, for all through the year...

It was funny, writing some of my Christmas cards, thinking of the significance of my words: peace, joy, and love.
Being filled with Peace at Christmas.
It's funny, because we talk of it, but really, there's not much Peace to be found at Christmas-time.  Crazy line-ups, waiting in turn to point out that perfect turkey (or chicken... or lamb), waiting some more, to buy it in line at the till; weaving in and out amongst crowds, looking for that specific toy or gift, more line-ups, busy, busy, busy... a higher presence of pick-picketer's, everyone looking to make a dime; flashing lights, and constant advertisements; baking up a frenzy, higher food and electricity bills, swollen belly's from eating    Way.    Too.    Much.
And then, the let down, the emptiness, the feelings of blah, after it's all over.

These aren't the things that Jesus brought.  Because Jesus isn't in traditions.

In Isaiah, the arrival of Jesus was foretold and prophesied that he would be called a "Prince of Peace"  (Isaiah 9:6).  And, upon his arrival, Jesus was welcomed with a loud union of heavenly voices:" Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favour rests."  (Luke 2:14)
Jesus came "to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins..." and to "guide our feet into the paths of peace."  (Luke 1:77 & 79b)
One of my favourite verses is John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."  After living a few years searching for soul peace in many wrong places, I can say that asking Jesus into my heart has been the only true source of inner peace. 

It's something different: Despite the craziness of line-ups, of impatience, of propaganda, of business, it's a knowledge that though the world rages around - though there is sickness, though there is pain, sadness in things inhuman and things unexplainable, dreams yet unanswered, things that are mundane, or the things that are just plain difficult-  there is a promise of something better to come... and for now: a stillness in the heart, a place without worry, a place of comfort.  This is the peace that Jesus offers, not at a one-occasion, man-appointed time of the year, but      
                                   the YEaR.

 May your new year be filled, truly, with PEACE, all through the year!             

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